Problem Gambling Services
If gambling is causing problems in your life, or if you are concerned about someone else’s gambling, there is help available.
211 is Maine’s Problem Gambling Helpline. You are not alone. Help is available. You can be connected to services by:
- Dialing 211
- Texting your zip code to 898-211
- Email
Self-exclusion for casino gambling and sports wagering
What is self-exclusion? What is the Sports Wagering Unauthorized Exclusion list?
Is the money or time you’re spending gambling causing problems in your life? Give yourself a break. One tool that many people find useful is self-exclusion. That is when you voluntarily complete a form to opt-out from gambling at casinos or with sports wagering operators in Maine for a chosen length of time. Complete the self-exclusion process in-person or online with the assistance of trained staff. The process is fast and easy
Here are some details:
- Casino Self-Exclusion list: The periods of time you can choose are 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, or lifetime. The Gambling Control Unit holds the official self- exclusion list and releases the names only to casino or slot establishments.
- Sports Wagering Unauthorized Exclusion list: The periods of time you can choose are 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, or lifetime. You must complete one of the shorter terms before you can sign up for the lifetime list. The Gambling Control Unit holds the official self- exclusion list and releases the names only to sports wagering operators.
Self-exclusion for casinos and sports wagering is available online! How does it work?
First you contact AdCare’s Problem Gambling Services Coordinator, Lori Manson at (207) 626-3615 ext. 20 or to set up an appointment. Often, the service can be done right away if you contact Lori 9-5, Monday-Friday or another convenient time may be selected. Lori will email you a form which is fast and easy to fill out online. Then you will meet with Lori via Zoom to complete the process. If you’d like, Lori can also talk to you about additional problem gambling services that are available such as support groups, free online resources, and counseling services which may be provided at no cost if you can’t afford to pay.
Self-exclusion for casinos and sports wagering is also available in-person with trained staff at select community locations.
– View and search the list of self-exclusion locations.
Gambling Addiction Treatment Network
If you are an individual with a gambling problem, or a loved one impacted by another’s gambling, there are counselors and social workers with training in problem gambling. You may be eligible for no-cost counseling through Maine’s Gambling Addiction Treatment Fund. Contact 211 Maine for a list of counselors in the network.
Calling all Counselors and Social Workers! The Gambling Addiction Treatment Network is an opportunity for treatment providers to become eligible to receive referrals and to be reimbursed for gambling treatment. We can provide the training at no cost. Learn more about eligibility, membership, how to apply, and how to get reimbursed.
Download Resources – Maine-specific services, national resources, workbooks, podcasts, and training.
Has Gambling Become a Problem? – Download the flyer
Learn the basics of screening for problem gambling and gambling disorder
- Download the Problem Gambling Screening Toolkit
- Brief Gambling Screening
- Problem Gambling Severity Index
- Do you want to learn more? Check out the free, self-paced, on-demand learning module Screening for Gambling Problems and Gambling Disorder: A toolkit to introduce formal and informal screening tools.
About AdCare Maine Problem Gambling Services:
Through a contract with the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, AdCare manages problem gambling services including community Self-Exclusion sites as well as participation in administrative oversight of the Gambling Addiction Treatment Network of providers.
Do you have questions about Problem Gambling Services in Maine?
Contact Lori Manson, Problem Gambling Services Coordinator at (207) 626-3615 ext. 20 or at
Partner Product Spotlight
The New England PTTC is excited to launch a new Graphic Medicine with an emphasis on problem gambling prevention! This tool is a sister product to our In the Air resource, developed to support the connection between adults and youth when discussing vaping prevention. This resource includes questions to start conversations with youth and an implementation guide to help facilitators in classroom and community settings. This resource will also be available in Spanish and Portuguese and is available for preorder now.
Pre-order, “Against The Odds – Problem Gambling Graphic Medicine,” available for launch in winter 2025. Pre-order here and feel free to share widely!