Maine announces 3 NEW no cost problem gambling services in 2025

In honor of Problem Gambling Awareness Month, we are announcing 3 new no-cost services for people in Maine.

Expansion of no-cost counseling services:

For more than a dozen years, Maine has offered no-cost counseling for problem gambling through Maine’s Gambling Addiction Treatment Network. This funding is available to pay for counseling for anyone who can’t afford to pay. Though utilization of the network has increased drastically in the past few years, we wanted to remove barriers that might make someone avoid calling for help. One of those barriers is anxiety created by wondering if they qualify for the “can’t afford to pay” criteria.

New for 2025: Any person in Maine concerned with problem gambling is eligible for four (4) no-cost counseling sessions for the purpose of screening, discussing options, and planning next steps. This no-cost service is available for the person who is gambling and for individuals concerned about the gambling of a loved one. If after four sessions it is determined that the individual would benefit from ongoing counseling and can’t afford to pay, their treatment will continue to be covered at no cost under Maine’s Gambling Addiction Treatment Network.

This counseling is provided by Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors who receive additional training on gambling problems and sign an agreement to receive referrals for individuals seeking problem gambling treatment.

To get the list of approved counselors, call 211 Maine or get in touch with AdCare Problem Gambling Services at (207) 626-3615 ext. 20 or

Free Financial Counseling:

Breaking News! AdCare Maine Problem Gambling Services just signed an agreement with GamFin to provide no-cost financial counseling for individuals with gambling-related financial problems and/or their family members. GamFin’s financial counselors can help you gain clarity, find a path forward, and help restore hope.
Each GamFin counselor brings expertise in budgeting, debt-management, credit improvement, and money systems for individuals and families impacted by gambling. They offer financial counseling that can relieve the pressure. These virtual sessions are 100% secure & confidential. You do not need a referral to access this service. Your personal information will not be shared with AdCare or anyone else outside GamFin.

  • To access this service, go to
    • Select “Book a Financial Counseling Appointment”
    • Click “Start”
    • Click “I’m a client”
    • Click “Yes, this will be my first appointment”
    • On the “Do you have a referral?” page:
    • If you are in counseling with one of our Gambling Addiction Treatment Network counselors, select “Yes, I have a referral.”
    • If you are not in counseling with one of our Treatment Network counselors, select “No, I do not have a referral.”

If you have any problems getting an appointment set up:

Support at your fingertips: Download Evive for one year of free access

Redefine your relationship with gambling: Get immediate, personalized support whenever you need it: Many people in Maine are gambling on their devices and some have found the easy access is creating problems for them. Now, Mainers can get support and resources to address those problems with easy access through the Evive app.

You don’t need to aspire to quit gambling to benefit from Evive.

You can choose your path:

  • Keep It Safer: Want to keep your gambling safe? Discover ways to minimize your risk.
  • Cut Back: Want to gamble less? Discover ways to cut back on the time and money spent betting.
  • Stop Gambling: Ready to quit? Get support to stop gambling and stay on track.

Access personalized tools:

  • Educate yourself
  • Manage your budget
  • Set your goals
  • Track your progress
  • Connect with a community

Go to

If you’re still reading, let’s also review some existing services and resources in Maine:

Self-exclusion helps you opt-out of gambling in Maine

What is self-exclusion? Is the money or time you’re spending gambling causing problems in your life? Give yourself a break. One tool that many people find useful is self-exclusion. That is when you voluntarily complete a form to opt-out from gambling at casinos or with sports wagering operators in Maine for a chosen length of time. Complete the self-exclusion process in-person or online with the assistance of trained staff at select community locations. The process is fast and easy. If you have questions, contact Problem Gambling Services Coordinator, Lori Manson, at (207) 626-3615 ext. 20 or email
Find more information and the list of community locations at:

Problem Gambling Helpline:

211 is Maine’s Problem Gambling Helpline. Specialists can be reached 24/7 to access a list of services and resources for those impacted by gambling problems. You can also dial the National Problem Gambling Helpline number, 1-800-GAMBLER, and if your zip code is 207, your call is routed directly to 211 Maine so you’re speaking to a local person with access to the local resources.

Visit for more information 211 Maine
Visit for more information about 1-800-GAMBLER

Meetings, Fellowship, and Support:

Gamblers Anonymous

Visit the New England Intergroup of Gamblers Anonymous at to find meetings or call (888) 830-2271. The hotline is answered 24 hours per day by New England GA members. It is helpful to call the hotline even if there isn’t a live meeting in your area because the person in recovery can talk to you about other options.

You can also search the national Gamblers Anonymous site at You won’t find many in-person GA meetings in Maine, but you can participate in any virtual (Zoom or phone) meeting offered in any state.

Gam-Anon is a resource for loved ones who are impacted by problem gambling. There is a Gam-Anon meeting in York, Maine on Saturday mornings at 9 AM. There are also Zoom meetings. Learn more at

Maine Recovery Community Centers provide support, education and resources for people recovering from and affected by addiction. Each center offers a unique mix of peer support, recovery meetings, wellness activities, and more. See the list of Recovery Community Centers around Maine at

Downloadable workbook with tools and resources
Has Gambling Become a Problem? Maine Toolkit for Assessing and Setting Personal Goals: Tools and Resources to Make Healthy Choices About Gambling: includes 2 pages of services and resources (download or order paper copies at

Order no-cost brochures and flyers for your group or business: Visit the Maine Prevention Store at

Maine Council on Problem Gambling:

The Maine Council on Problem Gambling (MCPG) is a volunteer-driven 501(c)3 non-profit committed to working with other organizations and individuals to reduce problem gambling and its impact on Maine’s individuals, families, and communities. We advocate for problem gambling awareness, prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery in Maine. MCPG serves in an advisory capacity for problem gambling services in Maine. Visit

Host a problem gambling info session:
AdCare Maine Problem Gambling Services can provide a no-cost Problem Gambling 101 training, in-person or online, personalized for your group. We are also happy to have a problem gambling awareness and Q&A session, or set up a resource table at your event or location. Every time we are able to spread awareness, we increase the likelihood that people will be able to identify gambling problems and know how to find services and resources. For more information, email

There are more resources that aren’t Maine-specific, like:
  • Podcasts
  • Social media groups
  • Books
  • Gambling site blocking software

Get in touch and we can talk about what would work best for you.

Questions? Contact:

Lori Manson

Problem Gambling Services Coordinator, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine

Board Member, Maine Council on Problem Gambling

(207) 626-3615 ext. 20