New resource gives providers evidence-based approaches to support LGBTQI+ youth

Picture of cover of report with many faces and text that says 'Moving Beyond Change Efforts Evidence and Action to Support and Affirm LGBTQI+ Youth SAMHSA'

Moving Beyond Change Efforts: Evidence and Action to Support and Affirm LGBTQI+ Youth

SAMHSA recently released a new, free resource, Moving Beyond Change Efforts: Evidence and Action to Support and Affirm LGBTQI+ Youth  which provides a comprehensive research overview of effective and ineffective therapeutic practices related to youth of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity.

This report is written for multiple audiences, including:

  • Behavioral health providers
  • Pediatric & primary care providers
  • Educators & school professionals
  • Policymakers
  • Researchers
  • Families, parents & caregivers
  • Community leaders

SAMHSA’s new report:

  • Provides an updated evidence-based roadmap for supporting and affirming LGBTQI+ youth.
  • Comprehensively reviews key scientific studies, guidelines from major medical and other professional associations, and implications for clinical care.
  • Offers guidance and highlights resources for health care providers, educators, families, community leaders, and others — to reduce behavioral health inequities facing LGBTQI+ youth and their families.
  • Explores policy levers and future research areas that can improve the behavioral health of LGBTQI+ youth.

Significant research over the past several years lays to rest any questions about sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI, pronounced “SO-gee”) change efforts — commonly known as “conversion therapy.” It is harmful, ineffective, inappropriate, and should never be provided to youth.

Furthermore, new research supports gender-affirming care for youth.

Learn more by watching webinar recordings

In 2022, SAMHSA explored the themes of this report at several educational events, including presentations at the Midwest LGBTQ+ Health Symposium, and the GLMA Annual Conference on LGBTQ Health:

Link to Report: