Program Management Services
Our services build capacity, increase awareness, and enhance knowledge and skills for professionals and organizations.
Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorders Services
Driver Education and Evaluation Program (DEEP)
DEEP programs are the Legislatively mandated (5 MRSA c.521, Sub-c. V) Operating Under the Influence (OUI) countermeasures programs in the state of Maine. The goal of the programs is to lessen the incidence of injury, disability and fatality that results from alcohol and other drug related motor vehicle crashes, and to reduce the risk of re-offense for OUI. We facilitate all aspects of the educational component of program implementation. This includes the coordinating and scheduling of classes, employment and training of instructors, quality assurance, and contract management.
Events, Conferences, and Trainings
We provide over 100 events annually to enhance professionals and the workforce in the prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery of behavioral health and substance use disorders.
Maine Behavioral Health Workforce Development Collaborative (MBHWDC)
The collaborative strengthens the workforce and its services by helping practitioners develop a solid foundation of experience, by creating opportunities for behavioral health professionals in Maine to build their skills and maintain certification. We are one of three collaborative partners supporting professionals in prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery.
Prevention Training/Technical Assistance Services
Events, Conferences, and Trainings
We provide over 30 events annually to enhance professionals in the prevention workforce, including prevention ethics and the annual prevention conference.
New England PTTC Trainings and Events
Search the New England PTTC calendar for upcoming trainings and events to find a training to fit your needs.
New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (New England PTTC)
AdCare Maine serves as the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center. The mission of the New England PTTC is to provide training and technical assistance services to the New England prevention workforce including professionals/pre-professionals, organizations, and others in the prevention community.
Maine Prevention Certification Board (MPCB)
MPCB is a peer-led board responsible for reviewing and approving applications from prevention professionals seeking to be recognized as a Certified Prevention Specialist. AdCare provides the administrative staff and support for the Board and the prevention certification process. The MPCB is a member board of IC&RC.
Student Intervention & Reintegration Program (SIRP) and Prime For Life Universal ® (PFL) programs
An education based program for youth experimenting with alcohol or other drugs. We pioneered the Student Intervention Reintegration Program (SIRP) and continue to provide technical assistance for SIRP and the Prime For Life ® (PFL) Universal program to prevention coalitions in Maine.
Problem Gambling Services
Providing Prevention, Intervention, Treatment, and Recovery services for problem gambling and gambling addiction
Programs include problem gambling awareness campaigns, coordinating Maine’s Annual Conference on Problem Gambling Awareness, administering a network of sites for self-exclusion services, administering the Gambling Addiction Treatment Reimbursement Network, and expanding recovery services and supports for problem gamblers.
Public Health and Health Care Emergency Preparedness Services
Training and Exercise
We provide learning opportunities for public health and healthcare responders, disaster responders, behavioral health, spiritual care, substance use disorders professionals as well as natural community helpers. Coordination and support of Maine CDC to promote strengthened ability to respond during a disaster or public health emergency.
Annual Infectious Disease Conference at the 2019 Northeast Epidemiology Conference
The Annual Infectious Disease Conference will be integrated into the Northeast Epidemiology Conference with a clinical track that will offer continuing education for healthcare providers.
Emergency Communication Coordination
Coordination and maintenance of the Health Alert Network (HAN), a nationwide program developed to establish communication with state and local partners, so we can respond effectively to public health emergencies. We employ staff and support program expansion, and other special projects that support the coordination and maintenance of the Maine CDC emergency communication information technology systems and communication of resources.
Maine Disaster Behavioral Health
Coordinate and maintain the Maine Disaster Behavioral Health initiatives, activities, trainings and resources and for Maine CDC. We employ staff and support program expansion, training/development, volunteer recruitment and provide marketing.
Medical Volunteer Coordination
Coordination and maintenance of medical volunteer registry services for Maine CDC with the Maine Responds Emergency Health Volunteer System, an online registration system for public health, healthcare and emergency response volunteers for the State of Maine. Maine Responds is a partnership that integrates local, regional, and statewide volunteer resources to assist our public health and healthcare systems. It is part of a national initiative to train, coordinate, and mobilize volunteers during an emergency. We employ staff and support program expansion, training/development, volunteer recruitment and providing marketing.
Maine Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
A national network of volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities. We employ staff and support program expansion, training and development, provide marketing, and serve as the proud housing agency of several Maine MRC Units.