New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (New England PTTC)

New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (New England PTTC)

Logo for the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network

AdCare Maine serves as the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (New England PTTC). The New England PTTC provides training and technical assistance services to the professional and volunteer prevention workforce within the New England states. The New England PTTC is developing a diverse program with multiple modes of training and information dissemination. This includes collaboration with states to hold live, in person trainings featuring the latest prevention science, but also multiple opportunities for distance learning to maximize the reach of technical assistance in the region. The center also puts a focus on workforce development initiatives, to include introducing New England high school students and young adults to the many educational and career opportunities within the prevention field. It will serve as a hub of specialty expertise in providing training and technical assistance in the area of marijuana risk education. Search the New England PTTC calendar for upcoming trainings and events to find a training to fit your needs.

The New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center has two main goals when it comes to the overall mission to support and build capacity within the region’s prevention workforce.

Goal 1: Increase the capacity of the New England prevention professional workforce to use prevention research to prevent and reduce substance use disorders.


  • Build alliances with New England prevention professionals, researchers, state systems and other prevention stakeholders
  • Conducting assessment of skills and training needs of the New England prevention workforce
  • Developing and delivering in-person and distance learning trainings
  • Develop and disseminate prevention tools, references, and resources to aid putting prevention research into practice.
  • Developing and delivering intensive technical assistance services in priority areas as needed.

Goal 2: Increase the capacity of the New England prevention professional workforce to utilize core prevention skill sets in the prevention of substance use disorders.


  • Develop and build in-state capacities to offer training in core prevention skill set areas (e.g. SAPST, ethics, and advanced ethics)
  • Develop advanced level courses and trainings for the more experienced prevention workforce
  • Develop and implement programs to promote prevention education and career paths to New England high school students, young adults, and second career professionals.
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